Songs for Connoisseurs

Compact Discs for lovers of fine artsong

Click on the poet or composer whose work interests you
or on a CD cover on the left

Katharine Durran                                        Order forms for discs



Magnus Asgeirsson
Raphael Alberti

Guillaume Apollinaire
Charles Baudelaire
Samuel Beckett
Yves Bonnefoy
Robert Browning
Lewis Carroll
Ramón Campoamur
Jean Cocteau
Laurence Crane (Songs from Exotic)
Laurence Crane (New French Song)
Joseph Crawhall
T. Dekker
R. Edwardes
Richard George Elliott
J. Fletcher
Robert Graves
Jose-Maria Heradia
R. Herrick
George Herbert
Victor Hugo

Icelandic Texts
Irish Seventh Century
Japanese 'Wakas'
Josef Janés
Rudyard Kipling
Jules Laforgue
B.C. Leale
C. Day Lewis
D.B. Wyndham Lewis
Maurice Lindsay
Edward McGuire
Stéphane Mallarmé

Modeste Mussorgsky
Christopher Nankivell
Gérard de Nerval

Fernando Periquet
Jacques Prévert
Erik Satie

Scottish Folk Ballads

Serbian Folk Songs

William Shakespeare
William Soutar
Spanish Traditional Poetry
Jonathan Swift
Thomas Traherne
Paul Verlaine

Mary Webb



Judith Bingham
Diana Burrell
Geoffrey Bush
George Butterworth
John Casken
Bob Chilcott
Edward Cowie
Laurence Crane (Songs from the Exotic)
Laurence Crane (New French Song)
Peter Maxwell Davies
H. Walford Davies
Manuel de Falla
Oscar Esplá
Michael Finnissy (Songs from the Exotic)
Michael Finnissy (New French Song)
Aidan Fisher
Graham Fitkin
H. Fraser-Simson
Adam Gorb
Enrique Granados
Haflidi Hallgrimson
Sadie Harrison (Songs from the Exotic)
Sadie Harrison (New French Song)
Nick Hayes
Robin Holloway
Gabriel Jackson (Songs from the Exotic)
Gabriel Jackson (Peripheral Visions)
Andrew Keeling
Nicola LeFanu (Peripheral Visions)
Nicola LeFanu (New French Song)
Edward McGuire
James MacMillan
Elizabeth Maconchy
Frederic Mompou
Thea Musgrave
Modeste Mussorgsky

George Nicholson
Fernando Obradors
Tariq O'Regan
Roger Redgate
Helen Roe

Howard Skempton (Songs from the Exotic)
Howard Skempton  (New French Song)
Arthur Somervell
Will Todd

Joaquin Turina
Judith Weir (Peripheral Visions)
Judith Weir (Songs from the Exotic)
Ralph Vaughan Williams
Hugh Wood

Katharine Durran                                        Order forms for discs